Gap down + FA top + neutral center day for NF in last session. 23280 marked as res for today to look for repair of lower quad of last session profile which they attempted at open with ORR down then later above 23280 got one push which failed to hold then all day remained in balance then closed at dVAH.
Failed auction at top in last session and today left FA at low on low volume day. Suggests inventory adjustment going on and odds to have balance inside 13th range for a session or two then could resolve for imbalance.
DP selling tail top today.
Inside day and neutral day.
dPOC skew higher with slight advantage to buyers at close.They need to defend 23250 and start accepting earlier in DP selling tail for upside follow through and once done should not accept back in value.Failing to follow through higher and back in value area could test VAL/PDL zone and goes means minor liquidation odds.
Swing short from 23725 probed till 23120 and balancing now. Same negation 23600 to look for 23125/23050/22940/22850.
Levels wise for next session, not able to stay below 23220 and back above 23265 could get 23295-23305 bullish above that for 23335/23360/23395 if sustains 23430-23450/23480/23510 odds. Not able to stay above 23360 and back below 23280 could get 23250 weak below that for 23225/23200/23165/23135 bounce.Weak further below 23105 for 23080-23065/23030-23020.
Charts and data :

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